May 2024 Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Present: Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr D Jarvis, Vice Chair, Cllr C Astill, Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr A Bowen,
Cllr M Elston, Cllr L O’Connor, Cllr R. Pryke, Cllr C Rylott, Cllr M Sohail, Cllr J Stevenson,
Cllr S Watson
Clerk D. Fairweather.
Also Present: twenty-four members of the public
Cllr Brookes:
Kirton End: Proposed reduction in speed limit to 30mph. The traffic surveys and assessment against LCC’s Speed Limit Policy has now been completed. It has been assessed as a borderline case for a 30mph speed limit. It is therefore programmed to go to the Planning & Regulations Committee on the 15th of July with a recommendation to approve a reduction to 30mph before it can go out to formal public consultation. Cllr Brookes will be attending that meeting to speak in support of the proposal.
The Highways Manager has requested that adverts posted on LCC assets be reported on Fix my Street.
for highways action if it is deemed necessary.
Traffic Management Review:
A review of the county council Traffic Management Policies is being undertaken which includes speed limits speed cameras, school safety Zones, blue badge holders and traffic calming measures. A survey is being conducted asking for feedback on residents views which can be accessed on the following link
The survey closes on the 17th of May.
Drainside North: Potholes have been dealt with.
Bus Services Survey.
The latest county views survey is requesting views on bus services in the county and can be accessed on the county council website. The survey closes on 27th May.
Borough Cllr Middleton: Kirton has twenty-five tree preservation orders. Many of the TPO’s are from 1950’s with trees not alive today being the reason.
Borough Cllr Rylott: Concerns regarding the over ground pylons as opposed to under ground cables for the Grimsby to Walpole project with National Grid.
Pushing for a Joint Scrutiny Meeting of which the Parish Councils will be invited to have their opinion heard.
Borough Cllr Pryke: As well as the first TPO’s notification there is to be a second listing to be received.
Confirm Cllr Brookes comments regarding fly postings in the area.
Heritage Lincolnshire to hold two meetings and will be visiting Kirton to look at schemes that have been successful.
Grant also to be discussed regarding the Town Hall tower. Invitations will be for Clerk and Cllr Elston. Clerk had previously been successful with a grant application and knew nothing of this.
Pylon plans – Outer Dowsing have put up new signs for farmer owners of land. Now at examination stage. From this there will be a community benefit fund. Indications would be particularly biased to employment.
Statement from Cllr Astill. Clarification required. Concerns of, if Cllr P Watson is nominated for Chair again how can the Council vote on this not having received the report from the Monitoring Officer regarding the recent complaint despite being promised at the last meeting. With the lack of this report no member of the Council could know if the code of conduct had been broken bringing Kirton Parish Council into disrepute.
Cllr P Watson responded with, the recommendation to Cllr Watson from the MO was that he should give an apology to the complainant at the next meeting. The MO did not state that the apology be done publicly however Cllr Watson felt it was appropriate to make the apology publicly. The apology was duly accepted by the complainant, who also agreed it was the end of the matter.
Cllr Astill then asked why this information could not be forwarded to the Council prior to this meeting. Although the Chair had not sent the document to the Clerk, he felt it the Clerk’s responsibility to advise Council he was not prepared to include the response of the MO as the email was marked Private and Confidential and thus would have broken GDPR and privacy regulations.
Cllr Jarvis was nominated by Cllr P Watson, seconded Cllr Baillie. Cllr Baillie commented that Cllr Jarvis had been in similar positions within his working life and would be an asset in the Chair. Having been on the Council for three years and knowing how it worked. Cllr Watson also confirmed Cllr Jarvis has a great amount of experience in the role.
Cllr Astill was nominated by Cllr Sohail, seconded Cllr Bowen. Cllr Sohail gave to the members her reasons.
Cllr Astill would be a vibrant Chair of the Council, following the numerous projects had completed on behalf of the Council. Cllr Elston felt it was grass roots and who had been out meeting the people of the village.
Both were asked to give a summary why they felt they should be considered for the post, which they did.
Chair therefore requested a show of hands on the two nominations. Cllr Astill asked if this should not be a private vote. Cllr P Watson had already checked with LALC regarding the issue and unless 7 days’ notice given to amend standing orders in favour of a ballot, a show of hands is what it would be.
On vote seven in favour of Cllr Jarvis 5 Cllr Astill.
Cllr Jarvis nominated Cllr P Watson seconded Cllr Pryke. Cllr O’Connor agreed Cllr P Watson had worked in demanding situations over the last four months and would be the assistance to Cllr Jarvis which he himself felt he would value as his Vice Chair. Cllr S Watson supported the nomination of Cllr P Watson, due to his knowledge and experience and years on Council and in Chair. This would be valued with a new Council who were not experienced yet to hold the post.
Cllr Astill nominated Cllr Sohail seconded Cllr Elston. Cllr Astill felt Cllr Sohail was a quiet representative working behind the scenes, helping with social media, and meeting the people. Had been a Vice Chair on her previous Council. Cllr Elston confirmed it would be appropriate to have a lady on the top table. Cllr Bowen confirmed his agreement to this.
On vote seven in favour of Cllr P Watson 5 in favour of Cllr Sohail.
a) Town Hall Management Committee – 1 member. Cllr Sohail proposed Cllr Astill should continue in the post. Seconded Cllr P Watson, Unanimous
b) Sir Thomas Middlecott Foundation Charity – 1 member. Cllr Jarvis proposed Cllr Pryke to stay in post. Seconded Cllr P Watson.
a) 3 Human Resources Committee.
Cllr Sohail, proposed by Cllr Astill seconded Cllr Elston.
Cllr P Watson, proposed Cllr Pryke seconded Cllr S Watson.
Cllr F Baillie, proposed Cllr S Watson. Seconded Cllr O’Connor
Cllr Rylott proposed Cllr Elston, seconded Cllr Astill.
On discussions of only requiring three representatives Cllr Rylott stood down. Agenda item to amend number of HR and Standing Orders.
b) 4 Finance Committee. Cllrs Pryke, Elston, and S Watson. Proposed on block Cllr Baillie seconded Cllr O’Connor. Cllr S Watson proposed Cllr Rylott to join seconded Cllr Pryke.
c) 2 Cemetery Committee – not had this committee for a long time. Clerk asked. What would Cemetery Committee be responsible for? what would they do? Would they hold meetings? A Terms of Reference would have to be drawn. The outgoing Chair had suggested this as he felt the Council did not receive sufficient updates each month on happenings.
Cllr S Watson advised that the cemetery Manager report each month on burials, work required etc.
Cllr Astill advised he mad regular visits to the cemetery and had spoken of any problems in his members reports.
Cllr P Watson confirmed with Cllr Rylott there was a cemetery committee previously.
Clerk wondered if this was because originally the previous Clerk kept the cemetery post and was therefore adrift of the Council meetings.
Clerk reiterated she did not feel the need for a committee. Chair also felt anyone can check the cemetery no as Cllr Astill does and if anything requires attention report it to the Clerk.
Cllr O’Connor did advise in the past there had been problems and if Clerk were not available would anyone know how to deal with burials etc?
Cllr Pryke proposed seconded Cllr P Watson that this and the social media post be postponed until the June meeting. Vote 7 fore.
d) 1 social media – Cllr Sohail felt this need not be refereed to the next meeting as although never an official title the system was working at present with Clerk and herself.
Cllr P Watson proposed, seconded Cllr Baillie.
Churchyard Trees – Planning had approved some works but only 1mtrs to 2mtrs and a maximum diameter of 20cms. Disappointing but the tree officer was a tree protector, which is their decision, but the PC will have the same problem with the other twenty trees in the Churchyard.
Broadband: could not gain access to tower due to works.
Solar panels – no progress made.
Town Hall gutters – Cllr Astill has updates in his reports.
Hemingway Tree. Replacement cost of shed forwarded to LCC.
Zebra Crossing – request had been made to Highways for extension of barriers.
Kirton Town Hall Management Committee had discussed this previously and wished for the parking to return to how it was before and wish the original ‘Town Hall Car Park’ sign to return.
Cllr Jarvis proposed that a meeting be held with both parties to finalise matters for the last time.
Cllr Astill suggested that Cllr Bowen be given the opportunity to explain details of his surveys.
Cllr Pryke thanked Cllr Bowen for the details he has obtained over a considerable period. He also advised we had promised the people of Kirton a meeting to discuss this matter. He suggested the public therefore decides what will happen to the car park, albeit the decision would still be that of the Parish Council.
Whilst Cllr Bowen agreed a public meeting could happen the PC should put their recommendations to them.
Cllr Rylott suggested, let the people park in the Town Hall fee of charge as it was.
Cllr Jarvis proposed a separate meeting to be held primarily to discuss this subject. Seconded Cllr P Watson.
Cllr Astill proposed as Cllr Bowen had prepared these statistics, he be given the opportunity to explain them.
At the request of Cllr S Watson, the Council discussed briefly and agreed Cllr Bowen meet with KTHMC representative to suggest suitable sites. Cllr Astill advised this had been discussed at a meeting and the THMC did not want them as they did not feel there was a need. KTHMC however had no objections to, but they would not be willing to contribute towards it.
Cllr Stevenson felt there is an obligation to offer bicycle racks at a public building.
Cllr Pryke confirmed there had been proposals to encourage cycling.
Cllr S Watson confirmed whilst it had been the PC’s proposal they would pay for them.
Cllr Elston wondered if there was funding available. Cllr Stevenson confirmed there was. Cllr Elston proposed Cllr Stevenson and O’Connor investigate funding and bring to another meeting. Seconded Cllr Baillie.
Clerk issued proposal of costings from four contractors.
1 rather cheap but confirmation from another PC advised no experience in cemetery maintenance.
1 expensive and rather particular
Clerk has agreeable references from two.
Cllr Baillie reported they are happy with the existing contractors.
Cllr Astill advised the resident of Hardwick Estate had received correspondence from LHP which he felt the PC should have sight of.
Grassed areas are to be dealt with on a different contract and will be cut more.
Proposed Cllr P Watson seconded Cllr S Watson that contractor No 2 be given contract for one year.10 for two abstentions.
Clerk had circulated ideas from Councillors to raise money for the Christmas Meal.
Suggestions of bingo. Having mentioned at the coffee morning
Cllr Sohail briefly explained her idea for an Art Trail. Ask if local businesses are on board to have pictures in their windows having been drawn by the residents. There for one week and the residents vote on their favourite. Small entrance fee.
A Picnic in the Park and the Best Kept Garden had also been suggested as community cohesion events.
Cllr S Watson firstly asked what was happening with the senior citizens meal as the Council had not agreed to it, set date etc and was being advertised on social media. Cllr Astill believed this had been discussed. Clerk had previously checked with Town Hall that they did not wish to hold this event. Cllr Sohail advised that it had been on the calendar since the beginning of the year as the Town Hall had been booked.
Cllr S Watson was concerned that caterers need to be booked in advance and may be difficult to get one now for that date and therefore the date may have to be changed. Cllr Baillie also concerned it is May and nothing has previously been discussed for this meal. Similarly, it was very late to organise a Picnic
in the park and to get side stalls etc. She also felt that a few should organise and bring back faces to the PC and not discuss at the full Council meeting. Chair stopped the discussion of last year,
Clerk suggested that she and Chair be given delegated powers to organise and bring back results to the Council. Proposed Cllr Baillie, seconded Cllr Bowen.
Clerk circulated documentation regarding current costs of Streetlights. Numbers of lights, LED’s SON’s, SOX’s etc.
Only one quotation obtained as had not realised the cost and wanted to ask Council if should continue.
£27,000. Costly as equipment would need to be hired, approximately three weeks work but actual bulb was not the expense. As a guide if this were accepted the savings on electricity by doing the changes would take approx. 5 ½ years to repay. Clerk had investigated funding, but the lights are not the PC’s assets.
Cllr O’Connor asked if LED lights had a risk assessment been done regarding the risk of cancer etc.
Cllr Pryke suggesting Clerk request more details regarding the current costs.
BBC had offered to loan the cost of replacement lights, but it was at an inflated cost. Cllr Elston confused over quantity of actual lights as number differ.
Cllr Rylott stated in the retiring Chair’s statement, his future projects did not include the streetlights, but she feels, as one of the most expensive costs to the PC it must be priority.
Clerk advised the contractor would be prepared to do works on three stages if it assisted PC financially.
Cllr Stevenson advised the information regarding the loan from BBC was 1% above the Public Works Loan Board rate for up to a maximum of 10 years.
Cllr S Watson requested if solar lighting had been given consideration. Clerk had investigated them, and although models were improving there was no guarantees that the energy would be there to light the bulbs for time required.
Cllr M Elston – does payment back term have restrictions on money being paid back early? This is not confirmed in communications, but Cllr Pryke felt it could be paid back as and when.
Cllr P Watson – asking clerk, if there is not sufficient capital at present, could projections be made on expenditure to define what monies could be used over a period of time to initiate purchases to repay gradually. Cllr P Watson proposed Clerk to prepare for the next meeting, seconded Cllr Rylott.
Proposed Cllr Jarvis, seconded Cllr P Watson this item be moved to end of meeting if time prevailing.
Proposed Cllr S Watson seconded Cllr Baillie. unanimous
Cllr Rylott declared an interest as on planning at BBC.
B/24/0176 – Oak Tree House, Horseshoe Lane – reserved matters regarding landscaping and layout.
B/24/0164 – Albert Bartlett – variation of Condition 2
ME – out with CUS along London Road. Applied for funding for tower. EMAS had offered defibrillator training of the Parish Council were interested.
CA – footpath commencing 13th May. Contractor also to look at works on Town Hall roof and gutters which require finishing from previous works. Going forward it is good we have representatives from all wards and going forward communications with residents will improve. Having attended various other PC meetings recently in particular the Annual Parish Meeting at Frampton which he advised was impressive with various organizations in the village giving reports. Perhaps this is something Kirton should do.
RP – advised why the Frampton Annual Parish Meeting was successful is that earlier in the year it had been suggested for Councillors to suggest groups that could give presentations.
He felt at Kirton we did not encourage the people of Kirton to ask questions and receive answers and going forward this should be addressed. Cllr Baillie felt, although an innovative idea, it would make the Kirton meeting extremely long. Cllr Pryke advised it could be held on a separate evening.
Following on from pylons, another application is to be made to put more cables through the Parish, but no routes specified.
Mud on road, road signs illegible, quite a lot of complaints regarding LHP and grass cutting and lack of provision for parking of cars. Fly posting, pots holes reported. Drainside South being particularly bad.
There will shortly be a planning application for an exceptionally large ‘phone mast on Wash Road.
CR – fly tipping in Holme Road, reported already but done again.
AB – significant speeding in Station Road. If CSW takes off, this could be priority case. Cllr Jarvis advises reactive speed signs had been suggested previously. Speed in this Road should it be reduced to twenty mph.
Kirton Youth Challenge have been nominated for the token scheme in Tesco. Had spoken with Carl Sharpe who runs this group. There are various other groups using the Youth Club who need replacement lights.
JS – Community Ownership Programme £2m of match funding. Possibility of purchasing a property in the village to use as place for people to go, business, library etc.
Local Government Act 1972 Section Part 3 section 12. Giving details of the APM and APCM were
it was felt Kirton did not act legally in this. Clerk disagreed but Cllr Stevenson to speak out of meeting on matter.
MS - Digi Hub went well although we need to encourage more. Attended coffee morning and asked how long it been running. After research found it started in 1980. Felt they deserved a thank you.
FB – also heard the coffee morning are better attended now and the dig hub went well. Parking on Hardwick Estate, as previously stated with more than one car per household now.
LO – Were Council aware of problems at one school in Boston. An autistic child had been assaulted by several children at the school. Cllr O’Connor had contacted the school to ask what was being done, the Vice Head advised it had been reported to the Police. School is looking into their policies on such issues.
SW - using Fix My Street with fly tipping potholes. Witnessed on social media there were problems with parking outside the Orthodox Church. They went to look and there were hardly any cars in the Doctors but cars on the road. It appears there is still an issue with parking. Cllr Astill advised they did not p. out bollards as it was only a small event.
Youth Centre Kirton PC used to monthly donate money until there had been issues with the bank account of the Youth Centre. The PC had been holding an amount of money should this be resolved but had not heard that it had. Social media, there is an awful lot of people sitting awaiting authority to join and previous information not now being posted, road closures. Does not appear to be kept as up to date as it was.
PW- parking issues at Station Road/Skeldyke Road junction. Complaint from resident regarding grass cutting which had been passed to clerk. Had notice a reduction in fly posting on LCC assets, strangely though there are the odd estate agent signs put up pointing towards properties. More an administrative issue. Do not appear to have received finance meeting minutes. Clerk said these would normally be issued for the next finance meeting. Cllr P Watson asked if in view of his previous request regarding funding if these could be issued.
Speeding traffic, encourages if people witness this, report it to either 101 or the Police.
CSW, Cllr P Watson is the only remaining member of the original group and would recommend Councillors attend training together with any residents that would be interested.
Town Hall Management Committee – suggestions to have a circular bench around the tree in the Rec.
Complaint against Malc Firth for broken fence in Sentence Crescent.
Another complaint on Hardwick Estate for grass. Clerk communicating with them with the idea of taking over their areas and them paying.
Update from Outer Dowsing, consent order application had been accepted.
Maggie Welberry from PCC complaining of church footpath – to organise a meeting with PCC.
Tesco support to Carl Sharpe’s group at Tesco – as per Cllr Bowen comments in meeting
Two separate letters from Town Hall Committee members asking for Town Hall car park signage to be returned as it was.
LCC survey fir review of the Traffic Management Policy.
Complaint from Station Road resident regarding speeding.
Thank you letter from S Rodgers for the planter in Hubberts Bridge.
High Street regeneration scheme – looking for original document as businesses are contact PC for confirmation of funding.
A Haw, Boston CCTV advising Wi-Fi not working.
Resident asking why we declined to sell the Orthodox Church- answered.
UKSPF – grant application successful for tower of £8,000
Invitation to Parish Council Engagement Session – 2nd July
National Grid- Easter Green Link 3 and Eastern Green Link 4, public consultation from 23rd April to 17th June.
Letter of apology from Kirton News over Donington minutes.
First Aid training which includes defib training. Cllr O’Connor had asked if she could attend a training session on Tuesday. Chair felt there was not sufficient time for this to be discussed and to take forward to another meeting.
Kirton News was showing Donington minutes instead of Kirton. Editor had apologised to Council and admitted it was their error. Cllr S Watson advising that she had not heard of the apology.
Meeting closed 9.15 p.m.
Date Of next Meeting Tuesday 4th June 2024