January 2024 Minutes

HELD ON TUESDAY 9th January 2024

Present: Councillors:     Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr D Jarvis Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill, Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr A Bowen, Cllr M Elston,  Cllr Pryke, Cllr M Sohail Cllr J Stevenson, and Cllr S Watson.
Also Present:                 Clerk D. Fairweather.      Borough Cllrs Pryke & Middleton.

Before the meeting commenced the Chair apologised to the Councillors for the statement, he read out last month without advising them he was going to do this.    

Resident thanking Cllr Astill for clearing wet leaves away from near Frampton Middlegate bus stop.
A second resident also thanking Cllr Astill and Elston for clearing leaves at the Doctors.  

POLICE REPORT link had been sent to Councillors from meeting Clerk attended.

Cllr Middleton – noted on minutes comments had been made regarding cost of Christmas in Boston but wanted to advise the numerous thanks received from residents and businesses for its success.
Resident from Cleymond Chase regarding non maintenance of area around her residence.  Clerk will ask contract to include.  Last meeting resident mentioned mud on road at local development.  Planning Officer will attend, try, and action.  He has not received a complaint and needs to prove guilty parties.
Cllr Astill advised the area is surrounded with trees and building development and tractors a like are causing problems so just needs sorting.
Part of planning is they must keep roads clean, but there are four developers along that area.
Cllr Baillie felt area had slight improvement.
Resident at Kirton End complaining over restrictions for 7.5-ton weight limit.  Cllr Middleton will contact Cllr Brookes.
Cllr Pryke had also visited areas of development who are clearing mud regularly, and felt it was the smaller development causing the problem.  
Various potholes have been reported together with overgrown hedges.  Also reports of an abandoned van on Horseshoe Lane.
Bucklegate – Chicken poo is being moved but hasn’t all been removed.  Still a problem for the residents.  Will check with Environment if complete load is to be removed.
Complaints from residents of person on land, adjacent to planning application site for travellers on Marsh Road.  Gentleman in question has also been responsible for releasing dogs in Scotland and has been prosecuted and his name forwarded to Boston Police.  
Cllr Elston requesting if any updates regarding streetlights.  Matter is being discussed at a Parish Council Liaison meeting on 25th January which Kirton will be attending.

At this point a guest from the County Council arrived.  Cllr Pryke advised as a number of parents were concerned regarding the sudden closing of the nursery in Kirton on Friday after Christmas with no warning.  A number of Cllrs had been contacted as had Cllr Pryke as Borough Cllr.  Some colleagues on the Parish Council and Cllr Pryke contacted the County Council requesting assistance to replace the provision of the premises and some progress has been made.  Cllr Pryke is also one of the Trustees of the Charity that owns the building, who have been hindered by the present tenants who are not engaging with the Charity.  LCC are aware of people who are interested in taking over the premises and reinstating the service.  It is believed the County Council are also interested in this and why Cllr Pryke invited Sarah Waite, from Lincolnshire County Council to the meeting.  They have had many of their existing providers interested in running a provision in Middlecott House.  The barrier being now the Landlords have received no notification of their tenancy and no-one can have access until that is sorted.  LCC spoke of alternative arrangements for residents.
A member of the public has registered their interest in continuing the service.  There appear to be some discrepancy over the ownership of the buildings.

Cllr Middleton and Mrs Waite left the meeting.  Cllr Pryke left meeting to speak with Sarah Waite.  

Cllr Brookes – Bungley Lane has been resurfaced.  The problems of the 30 mph speed limits on London Road have been resolved.  Cllr Astill felt there is still a problem in Bungley Lane due to the sides of the road having been worn away with traffic.  Ideally requires a drain system as water has nowhere to drain away.  Also along that stretch there is now approx. 10 metres of hedging missing.  Clerk advised she had been successful in obtaining 120 mixed hawthorns from Lincolnshire Woodland Trust

1-24 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllr L O’Connor, Borough Cllr Rylott and County Cllr Brookes.  Cllr Austin had an accident before Christmas and will not be attending meetings for some time.  All resolved to accept reasons given.  
Cllr Baillie apologised for missing December meeting having confused the date.


Proposed Cllr S Watson seconded Cllr Astill that these be accepted as a true copy.  Unanimous.

Streetlights in High Street have now been reported to LCC as they are not the responsibility of the Borough Council.
Gutters at Town Hall have been cleared but there are some broken parts so they will be returning to complete the work.  Cllr Astill had supervised the works for three hours to be sure work was being done.  Company agreed it was a larger job than anticipated.  Cllr Elston suggested it be a good idea to have them visit every other year to check drains.
Resident on Willington Road still awaiting tree works.  

Inherited a lengthy lease on almost a peppercorn rent of £500 per annum which has not been increased since inception.  Would be difficult to increase to a relative amount in relation to the maintenance of the old cemetery which is something the Parish Council are responsible for anyway.  Cllr Baillie agreed this was an unacceptable rent with no increase for over 10 years.  Cllr S Watson questioned if a rent rise of x% could be offered, but they are being responsible for maintaining the grounds themselves.  Clerk didn’t think they would agree as the lease area is only that of the Chapel, driveway a small area to the right, so effectively not theirs to maintain.
If the calculation was made for 5% increase each year, accumulative would equate to revised rent of £690.
Cllr Elston advised it will be in contract what increase is allowed, as any increase would have to be legal.  Contract says a years’ notice in writing, of increase has to be given and then only on the 10-year anniversary.
Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr P Watson legal advice be taken.  Cllr Baillie suggests a meeting with Flora Buda and the Priest regarding this. 
Cllr Jarvis suggested we could only increase at the cost of inflation as the Chapel could object and appeal.
Clerk agreed they are approachable people but feels decisions will not be made by them but legal people higher up the chain.  
Cllr Elston withdrew his previous motion. Cllr Baillie proposed approach party and discussed all facts.  Seconded Cllr Elston.  Unanimous

As discussed at a previous meeting if all in agreement just needs to be approved to amend Standing Orders.  Makes better use of Council deadlines for Kirton News, budget, precepts etc. Proposed Cllr S Watson, seconded Cllr Baillie.  Majority.

Cheers have previously said they are happy to supply plants but cannot plant as early as we want them planting.  Thistles, a group in Sutterton were initially to help with this but have now decided they do not wish to do it.
Clerk is going to approach the Clean Up Squad and other volunteers to plant and ask if Thistles would be prepared to water throughout the season.  Cllr Elston felt he would be able to get a group together, including the school children that help the Clean Up Squad.  He also suggested that perhaps the local businesses may be willing to assist.  Clerk to speak with them.  Kirton Holme had originally requested a bin last year.  Clerk suggested the planter at Kirton End which is not required by Kirton End residents be moved to Kirton Holme.  All agreed.  Cllr Pryke suggested then the area where the planter is at Kirton End could be cleared of nettles and rubbish.  Also a planter in Penny Gardens in a ‘sorry state’ Clerk to investigate.
Cllr S Watson advises the Kirton signs are beginning to look a little faded and worn.  Is it the Parish Council’s responsibility to freshen them up?  Perhaps another question of the Clean Up Squad.

To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule
Cllr Astill requesting the remainder of the financial sheets, there were no breakdowns of the events held for income and expenditure. Race Night and Christmas Meal.
Clerk advised Christmas meal had been approved last month, nothing on the authorising payment sheet related to anything to do with these events.  This being the case Cllr Astill still was not prepared to authorise these payments without that knowledge and felt the PC should not agree to them this month but defer until the breakdowns are available.
Cllr Pryke requesting if VAT had been claimed back last month.  Clerk confirmed it had.
Proposed Cllr Elston to defer to next meeting seconded Cllr Astill. 8 for one against.

9-24 PLANNING – To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting
Cllr Pryke felt it not a good idea for the takeaway to be on the industrial site in Wash Road. Access to the site off the A16 was not conducive to additional traffic. Cllr Jarvis felt it would be for the employers on site not necessarily the residents and visitors.  Cllr Pryke felt at planning, in the beginning, food outlets were not allowed on this site.  He is to ask Planning the question.

CA – Cllr Elston and he cleaned footpath across footpath from Town Hall to Kings Court.  Very boggy and requires attention and possibly having some drainage either side.
Town Hall tower require serious remedial work.
Had received a call from a resident, when Christmas lights were taken down, that they had been donated to the Parish Council.  Having taken them down they are now in Clerk’s office.  Christmas tree now needs to be moved.
FB – requesting updates of works to trees in Churchyard. Archbishops’ permission has now been given to cut down or reduce the storm damaged tree.  Clerk is to advise the residents involved of the updates personally and not at a public meeting.  Church tree, arborist advised tree is not unsafe and with all works required on trees within the village, each case has to be given its rightful priority.  Cannot justify the approximate cost of £2000 at present.  Tree lined footpath of Church has now been surveyed but it is a short period to be able to work on trees due to the nesting periods.  Cllr Jarvis has a contractor that may be able to offer a quotation.  Clerk to contact them for quotation for works.
ME – Funding for works on Town Hall available with UK Prosperity via the Community Foundation also have another grant with deadline for applications of 1st March.  BBC appear to be monitoring the UKSP in the Borough different to the likes of adjoining District Councils.  Matter to be spoken on at Parish Liaison Meeting.
SW – Requesting if quotes are required for these potential works at the Town Hall.  Clerk had been speaking with Town Hall Committee with this in mind.

11-24 Correspondence
Clerk had ascertained that communications were not coming through from BBC on some local meetings, in particularly the Liaison meeting.  Cllr Jarvis to attend.
Greater Lincolnshire Devolution – open forums regarding the voting of a Mayor for Lincolnshire.  
Two letters of complaints against Chair regarding the last meeting, naming a resident and complaining of the co-option procedure.  Requested that one be read out at the meeting to Councillors and residents present.

Cllr Astill had requested the PC social media policy be discussed as it appears still not to be working for Kirton and had asked the clerk.
Not being adhered to as such, i.e. by Clerk and Cllr Sohail, when suggested, post on the page.  Cllr Sohail advised that the site is a group and therefore can receive comments.  Cllr Stevenson agreed with Cllr Sohail that the information has to be factually correct.
Cllr Elston felt that as the PC had agreed to the Social Media Policy previously.
If the PC are not prepared to have it as a discussion page that it is very clear that it is for information only.
Also it has been agreed that communications come from and sent from the Clerk.

Date of next meeting 6th February 2024
