March 2024 Minutes


Present: Councillors:     Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr D Jarvis Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill, Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr A Bowen, Cllr M Elston, Cllr L O’Connor,  

Cllr Pryke, Cllr M Sohail and Cllr J Stevenson.
Also Present:     Clerk D. Fairweather. Borough Cllrs Rylott.

Resident concerned no documentation for a burial and reservation had been received despite asking Clerk and later Chair.  Clerk confirmed this had been sent but on checking the email was incorrect.  Details will be posted.

POLICE REPORT – no updates

Cllr Rylott – issue with hedging on Willington Road.  Fix my Street reports sorted, although wasn’t but reported again and now resolved.  Significant amount of litter in Kirton Holme a continual nuisance.
Kirton Holme reported a few road signs requiring attention.
Cllr Rylott is Chair of Environment and Performance at the Borough Council and at the last Scrutiny meeting the CCTVs were discussed.  It is understood Kirton has problems with their CCTV monitored by the Borough.  During closed session Cllr Rylott was advised they were totally happy with the amount of staffing in that suite.  Asked if there were any issues with cameras not working properly and were individual cameras working correctly.  They advised no issues which is known not to be correct.  Was expecting some information from Kirton before the meeting but that information was not forthcoming.
Chair advised that he had reported incidents in the past and had asked for details on the CCTV.  He has emails confirming information.

Cllr Pryke – assorted potholes reported.  Suspicious sign in village saying, “please use mobile wherever possible to pay for your car parking” There are no parking charges in Kirton.  Cllr Pryke to question at next meeting why are they appearing?  Kirton now has a parking warden attending regularly.  It appears Borough Council may be bringing charges to other areas.  Significant reduction in parking fees now at Borough.
Many residents have reported to Cllr Pryke there are problems getting the right balance of housing in the area.  Cllr Jarvis pointed out one problem is developers obtain permission for the advisable number of sustainable housing in their development but then put in an application to discharge of conditions and these do not then get built.  Having spoken with the planners on this, the Local Plan is out of date and still has another 12 years to run and there are no plans to replace it.  Way forward is to pursue a neighbourhood plan.  Kirton PC would have to commence this with a public consultation.  If in the future the PC would like to improve the situation a neighbourhood plan could be the way forward.  Clerk advised there is a questionnaire being put together with YMCA regarding a project at Dame Sarah Swift, could this questionnaire be extended to incorporate details for a neighbourhood plan.  Cllr Elston questioned if Boston Borough would adhere to a neighbourhood plan.  Cllr Pryke advised they would have to as a neighbourhood plan takes precedence over the Local Plan.
Cllr Stevenson has research that shows there is the possibility of funding to assist with a neighbourhood plan, £8000 per year for three years.  He also has further information from East Lindsey, BBC and South Holland have money to employ someone for this post.  Cllr Stevenson to forward details to clerk. There has been confirmation that another Parish had been successful in this.
Had received requests regarding the number of TPO’s in the parish.  Would speak with Clerk.
Boston Borough Council was instructed to consult with the people of Boston regarding Council Tax levels.  A questionnaire was put on their website for two weeks which received 9 responses.
Also done on Council Tax Support Scheme which was done for seven weeks.  Also, on website and press releases and local organisations, only 35 responses.
County Council Consultation for Local Mayor had 0.365 equating to a few hundred.  At BBC meeting previous evening was felt Mayoral consultation was called into question, with no-one believing it was a representative result. 
BBC Council Tax set at an increase of 3.45%
Kirton 3.11%
Frampton 6.91%
Sutterton 2.64%
Wyberton 9.16%
Police 4.45%
County Council 4.99%
Frampton being higher as they are looking to help local halls in the village as they are all financially challenged.
Home upgrade grant open to residents for up to £38,000 to improve insulation or fuel sources in their home.  Restrictive regulations on applicants. To send details to Clerk to put on website.
Concerns that comments to Kirton News are not always printed.

Cllr Brookes – dangerous parking on Fairways, met with Cllr Astill.  Discussed with Highways regarding extending the double yellow lines along the frontage.  The traffic regulation order team had visited the location, and on this occasion, the team could not justify restrictions on a good width road with a 30mph speed limit for parking which only occurs for a couple of hours on a Sunday.
Drainage cover that had been reported, is now mended.
Bungley Lane has been referred to Highways as PC are still not happy with situation of roadway and water sitting there.

Clerk asked of Borough Cllr Rylott, at what point did litter bins become the Parish Councils responsibility?  One on Green Lane burnt completely and had received a quotation to replace.  Cllr Rylott to investigate and report back.

Cllr Elston also asked why Boston Borough’s carbon reduction, from street lighting, did not appear on their Local Plan when East Lindsey’s did, and they were written by the same organisation.  BBC asset so why not on Local Plan?  Cllr Elston still concerned regarding replacement costs when another District Council had paid for the replacement of streetlights to LED, but all BBC were offering was a loan at 4.5% 15 years.  BBC not including any of streetlighting in Local Plan.  Cllr Rylott felt that the issue should be asked of the Leader of the Council.

21-24 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllr S Watson, Borough Cllr Middleton, County Cllr Austin, and Brookes, resolved to accept reasons given.  


Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr Stevenson that these be accepted as a true copy to be called minutes.  Unanimous.

Quickline -Wanting to organise a day to advertise/celebrate a meeting in Conjunction with the Parish Council.  Also looking at a contract for broadband in Town Hall.  Cllr Elston mentioned another company, Light Speed which clerk will approach for a comparison.
Streetlights in High Street – at last resolved.
Streetlights in village – following Parish Liaison meeting with discussion on streetlight replacements.  Tried numerous contacts to ascertain cost of replacements but nothing forthcoming.  It was agreed clerk to obtain quotations from a local company.
Car Park.  Cannot surrender contract until 60 days prior to end of term without penalty.  Agreed to give notice now.  Cllr Astill asking if we hand a signed copy of the lease which we do.
Town Hall gutters – quote to complete work £690.  Felt this was high as they had undercharged for original work.  Clerk to obtain a further quotation.
Town Hall tower – Ray Sellars to meet with Pete Booth to ascertain works required and quote.
Chair asked for updates on litter bins, notification given to Boston Borough regarding siting of bins.
Chair also asked of new emails.  Emails ready to go but Cllr Stevenson had given reasons why this should not be accepted.  Clerk had checked the legal side.  Internal audit had said, in an email in September, that if it is a generic email, specific to the Parish Council, but not a it meets the requirements and a ‘’ was not obligatory.  There must be a certain amount of trust, with passwords being in signed envelope.  Council had agreed this at a previous meeting.
Cllr O’Connor felt in agreement to ‘’ for security.

Proposed Cllr Pryke, seconded Cllr Stevenson to take an end of meeting in closed session.
Clerk questioning wording in Lease that enables Council to terminate.  Chair asked for copy of Lease, to peruse.  To be sent to all members.

Signs had been placed by new user of Town Hall and was not aware which railings were to be used.  Rectified now.

Despite several requests, no further information has been received by BBC.  Clerk to obtain quotation to replace lights for next meeting.

Cllr Astill surveyed the path from King Street across the Rec.  Significant number use it and walk diagonally where there is no pathway, which is naturally the shortest route.  At present, when flooded, path is unpassable.  Quotation to make good by lifting and putting side drainage in place.  1st quotation £4600, 2nd Quotation £9450, 3rd quotation £15834, for 2 footpaths.   Further quotations to be requested.
Significant cost which has not been budgeted.  Cllr Jarvis asked if Local business company had been asked to quote.  Cllr Sohail asked if funding available.  Cllr Astill frustrated that it cannot be decided now at this meeting.  Chair would prefer to receive a further quote as they are significantly different.  Chair proposed to obtain another quotation and bring to the next meeting.  Seconded Cllr Jarvis, 9 for 1 against.

Proposed Cllr Pryke seconded Cllr Watson to move agenda item and take in closed session.
Agreed to defer to next meeting as an individual contractor had come forward for green areas within the village.

Clerk advised grant application had been made to UKSP.  Closing date being 1st March and speaking with Chairman of Town Hall MC who were also receiving quotations to replace front doors, which they were to pay for.  Contractor looking how much work is required.
Cllr Pryke speaking of other allocations of UKSP further information should be available at financial year end.  Cllr Jarvis, details of £240k for heritage funding.  Need to get applications into these funding opportunities.
Cllr Baillie advises to contact Heritage Lincolnshire for works to the Town Hall tower.

31-24    FINANCE
a)    To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule
Charges on account with Lloyds is due to balance of funding in account.  Clerk to transfer to another banking institution to invest. To transfer £35000. Unanimous.
Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr Watson
b)    To Discuss Donation for Kirton Holme Beacon – 6th June
Holding an event again to light the Beacon for event.  Good to keep Kirton Holme included with the PC.
Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr Jarvis.

32-24 PLANNING – To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting
B/24/0065 41 Willington Road, removal of flat roof.  No objections.
B/23/0393 Woodlands Court – previous comments were that extensions are for existing resident.  Appears now that an additional building is taken place for an educational building.  Concerns on excess vehicular traffic. 
Cllr O’Connor Special EN unit being erected.  Children using venues are usually taxied in from other areas.  Cllr Bowen advised that it did not fall under LCC but would be a private entity.

CA – Raw sewage from Kings Street drainage.

CR – interested in what the Parish Council were doing regarding the large amounts of pylons in Kirton Holme which is to have a significant impact to the area.  Feels everything comes to Lincolnshire.  Many Town and Parish Councils have submitted objections to this. Kirton PC to support the concerns over the structures.
Proposed Cllr Elston seconded Cllr Jarvis that the PC against the pylons from Web and requested these go via the sea.  Unanimous

New resident complaining of lack of footpaths, pedestrian crossing at Middlegate Road.  Also play areas are non-existent or looking sad.  Should new housing developers be providing play areas with the number of houses being built?  Letter also sent to Cllrs Rylott and Austin.
Cllr Elston mentioned play area off Nightingale Walk.  Cllr Baillie believes there are many green areas within the village. There are many areas where footpaths are not available on both sides of roads. Unfortunately, Dame Sarah Swift Park is not well used and very often vandalised which the PC are thinking of as more a financial burden.
Cllr Pryke agrees there should be a footpath on the cemetery side of Boston Road. To contact Cllr Brookes to remedy the flack of footpath situation. Problem with play areas is many constructions sites are less than the figure required for open spaces or Section 106 monies.
Cllr O’Connor, PC should mention these facts when planning is made.

Meeting closed at 9.12

Date of next meeting 2nd April 2024