July 2020 Minutes

Notes transcribed by the consultant Clerk (Mrs Victoria Clark) from the recording of the meeting of Kirton Parish Council, which was held on Thursday 16th July 2020 via video conference under “The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) (England) Regulations 2020” commencing at 7.10pm 

(These notes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)

PRESENT: Councillors: Ian Cole (Chairman), Sandi Watson, Peter Watson (also Boston Borough Council (B.B.C)), Colin Brotherton and Lorraine O’Connor  

Also Present: Cllr. Michael Brookes (Lincolnshire County Council (L.C.C))

PUBLIC FORUM: None in attendance


The Chairman opened the meeting asking the members to state their name when speaking for the recording

Congratulations were given to Cllr. Michael Brookes on being elected as Chairman of Lincolnshire County Council

The Chairman also mentioned that as some summer sports were starting it helps bring more normality throughout the village

97/20   APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE - To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given prior to the meeting

Cllr. P. Watson gave apologies on behalf of Cllr. David Brown (B.B.C)

98/20   DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (if any) - To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests

Cllr. P. Watson declared an interest in item 15

Cllr. S. Watson, being married to Cllr. P. Watson also declared an interest in item 15

99/20   NOTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 18th JUNE 2020 - To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes

On Proposal from Cllr. P. Watson and seconded by Cllr. C. Brotherton all resolved to accept the notes as a correct record of the meeting and gave permission for the Chairman to sign them.

100/20   POLICE MATTERS – Police.uk

At the beginning of lock down Dame Sarah Swift Park was still being used by people, the park gates were locked however they accessed the area via the bottom end. There was an abundance of litter left and the B.B.C clean up team had to be called in. 

To secure this section, a fence or gate is needed and a park visit by the members of the council was suggested on a date to be agreed by all

Action: A date to be arranged by members 

The clean-up team did a great job and the Chairman sent an email to the division however it was decided that a letter would be more appropriate.

Action: A letter of thanks to be sent to the clean-up team


None received 


Cllr. M. Brookes has given Cllr. P. Watson a L.C.C contact regarding allotment land and also contacts for Kirton charities. An area of land on the local plan is down for development this was then discussed as the Chairman had been contacted asking for the possibility of using this area and Cllr. C. Brotherton provided his knowledge of the subject. Cllr. P. Watson suggested to defer until face to face meetings are back in place and then discuss a local survey

Action: Cllr. L. O’Connor will check the details from the LALC planning session with regards to the duty to provided allotments

Action: Add to the agenda of the next face to face meeting 

Cllr. P. Watson informed that the Strategic Alliance between B.B.C and East Lindsey District Council (E.L.D.C) was voted to go ahead and there is an extraordinary meeting coming up to discuss more details

Cllr. P. Watson read out a report from Cllr. Alison Austin (B.B.C)

Cllr. A. Austin has agreed to release the rest of her Covid-19 money to the group that covers Kirton and Frampton which is part of the Swineshead group as there is still a requirement for emergency food parcels in Kirton. There is approximately £300 left, the group have had three lots on money from so far. The remainder of the money went to a variety of initiatives throughout Wyberton and the wider Boston area

At the last L.C.C Environment and Economy scrutiny meeting it was recommended that the paper and cardboard collection initiative be rolled out county wide as the trial has been very successful especially in the borough

Less positive is the scaling back of the super-fast broadband initiative

Highways have been reminded several times about the footpath along horseshoe lane and it is understood that Station Road crossing has been painted

Advice is to send highways issues to www.fixmystreet.com and to also encourage residents to do this when possible. More serious matters can be copied to Cllr. A. Austin when the Parish Clerk submits them.

There is a road Closure in Kings Street coming up these details are sent to Parish Clerks’

A list has been compiled to forward in advance to the highways team coming to this division and they have been asked to clean and replace all brown signs in this area

Action: Cllr. P. Watson to forward Cllr. A. Austin’s email to all members 

No apologies were received from Cllr. N. Welton (B.B.C)

Cllr. M. Brookes confirmed that Item 10 is Cllr. A. Austin’s area

103/20   FINANCE ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT APPROVAL – As per payment sheet dated July 2020/21 (3 of 12)

Income £1,451.59 
Outgoings £5,960.69

Youth Club money has been on hold and will be released when the club have their bank account sorted

Where larger amounts are approved for payment, the Chairman will transfer £1 to check it goes through OK before transferring the large amount In the new year it was agreed that the council should look at forwarding grant/donation payments including the Town Hall and invite those involved to the meeting

Action: The Chairman will find out if there was a written agreement between the Town Hall and the Parish Council. 

The Christmas meal for the older residents was also discussed and how this could go ahead

Action: Add to next agenda for discussion & ideas

The mobile phone for the Clerk will need an ongoing £20 top up

Wage slips have been received and any errors will be dealt with

On Proposal from Cllr. I. Cole and seconded by Cllr. C. Brotherton, all resolved to approve the listed payments

104/20   REPORT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING – To receive reports from those concerned

No report until the Clerk is back in office

105/20   CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED - The Council are invited to resolve on, also see correspondence list attached 

a)   Parking – The Square, Kings Street

This is Cllr Austin’s area

b)   Over Hanging hedges, brambles and weeds on Princess Road, London Road end (Marketstead Estate side)

This should be reported on Fix My Street but may be delayed until after the birds have finished nesting which is after the end of July 

Cllr. M. Brookes advised that if the issue is with land owners the Parish Council should first approach them and then if nothing is done to let the County Council know. 

c)   Garden competition 

Due to the reduced number of members on the council and also restrictions this was unable to go-ahead but will hopefully return in 2021

Action: Letters will be sent to any residents that have sent in photos

d)   New website – Training and Transfer of information

There is a new Parish Council website that will need information from the current one transferred

106/20   TOWN HALL – Update/Information  

After checking with HMRC regarding hours allowed under the furlough scheme, there has been a deep clean and should re-open in August 2020
107/20   CEMETERY – Update/Information

Cllr. Brotherton and Cllr. Cole have been helped by the temporary cemetery manager and are up to date.

a)   Purple Beech tree overhanging into private property 

Cllr. L. O’Conner went to see the resident that informed the council and explained that the Parish Council would first need to find out if there is a Tree Preservation Order (T.P.O) on any of the trees. A request has been made for this information and when received further action can be discussed. 

Action: TPO report be added to the next agenda after receipt 

Action: A copy of the Arboricultural report to be sent to Cllr. Brotherton if there is one available

108/20   PARISH MATTERS – For discussion and action

a)   Community Speed Watch

Cllr. P. Watson is taking over the co-ordination of Speed Watch, the group use WhatsApp to communicate. The equipment needs to be stored in the Parish Office of the Town Hall so that those involved can access it

b)   Dame Sarah Swift Park

Covered in item 5

New play equipment needs to be added to the Borough park inspectors list if not already done

Action: To be checked


Lincolnshire Housing Partnership (LHP) contacted the Chairman regarding an overgrown grass area near Middlecott School, Edinburgh Drive, this is a Parish Council contracted area and the contractor will be notified

Action: Notify the contractor

Road closure for a sewer connection in Kings Street

110/20   PLANNING – Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council

Cllr. P. Watson left the meeting due to his declaration of interest

Cllr. Brookes also left the meeting

B/20/0080 - An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State under Section 78 - Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development of up to nine dwellings at Land north of Millstone, Donington Road, Kirton End, PE20 1NX – Comments due 6th August 2020

B/20/0199 - Erection of a single storey and a two storey rear extension at 293, Willington Road, Kirton End, Boston, PE20 1NW – Comments due 7th July 2020

B/20/0196 - Proposed development of 4 detached 2 storey dwellings at Land adjacent to 87, London Road, Kirton, Boston, PE20 1JE – Comments Due 6th July 2020

B/20/0150 - Land adjacent to 332A, Willington Road, Kirton End, Boston, PE20 1NU
Single storey side extension and single storey rear extension following demolition of existing room and erection of a detached garage. Change of use from agricultural to domestic garden space
Decision - Favourable with conditions

B/20/0139 - Holmes Lodge, Little Side Road, Kirton, Boston, PE20 1TA
Construction of a free draining 40x60m horse exercise area
Decision - Favourable with conditions

B/20/0163 - Ardgraft, Swineshead Road, Kirton Holme, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 1TT
Application under s.73 for the removal of condition 3(Agricultural Habitation Clause) of planning permission BR/0185/72 (Bungalow, garage and vehicular access)
Decision – Withdrawn by applicant/agent

111/20   DATE and TIME OF NEXT MEETINGS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – The council will follow the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and Government advice regarding meetings and decide whether to hold the next meeting remotely or not nearer to the date.


7:00 pm

Kirton Holme


7:00 pm

Kirton Town Hall


7:00 pm

Kirton Holme

The press and residents are welcome to all meetings and can make short statements at 7pm