November 2023 Minutes

HELD ON TUESDAY 28th November 2023

Present: Councillors:     Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr C. Astill, Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr J Barton, 
Cllr C. Crisford, Cllr M Elston, Cllr & Borough Cllr Pryke, Cllr M Sohail, and Cllr S Watson.
Also Present:                         Clerk D. Fairweather.
and  Eleven members of the public

Before the meeting Chair made a presentation of a scroll and glassware to previous Councillor Brotherton following his twenty yeas service to the Parish Council.

Complaint from resident regarding the considerable amount of rubbish and debris along the roads and gutters being left by the contractors, along the road between Dennis’s offices and Black Bull. They do not appear to be making any efforts to clear the area. Clerk to report to Highways as previously road sweeper has been.
Member asking for clarification on the co-opting of a Councillor from outside the village who has no affiliation with the village and is currently a Councillor and Vice Chair of another Council, nominated by the Chair against a local resident. Found concerning as the Chair, in his electioneering, has been a devout supporter of living in the area it represents. Was the correct procedure followed. According to the minutes no amendments have been made to the Standing Orders approved in 2019. Also, quite worrying is the only connection appears to be a political party one, which is not what Parish Councils are supposed to be about. 
With new councillors’ good things have recently started to happen, Race Night, Notice Board, which is brilliant money raised. But after the good things the co-opting was staged, whether it was or not, that it how the people of Kirton think.
Letter from resident, regarding disappointment on co-opting new councillor, 
I understand that there is one vacancy on Kirton Parish Council and that two people have been put forward, one 4 weeks ago the second a few days ago following the published agenda for the November meeting of Kirton Parish Council.
The first candidate resides in central Kirton and has put himself forward for the benefit of his own parish.
The second candidate recently put forward is a resident of Wyberton, currently a serving member and Vice Chairman of Wyberton Parish Council. 
As a life-long resident of Kirton my question is, why would Kirton Parish Council consider co-opting a candidate already committed to serving on a neighbouring parish council as their Vice Chairman, where would loyalties lie should there be a conflict of interest.
Complaint from a resident of Bucklegate of ‘chicken poo’ being transported to a farm in Bucklegate. It has been turned into an industrial estate with machinery constantly moving around. The whole area smells of the mould and dust.
Wanting to bring to the attention of the Parish Council for assistance. It is against regulations with distances from residents. Has contacted owner who was reasonable. The huge mound will be moved, no further deliveries will be made, and the roads will be cleaned. Also close to the bird reserve.
Chair has attended the site, there are restrictions regarding the amount of ‘fertilizer’ can be stored.

Twenty-five reports of violence or sexual attacks in the village during September.
Details of the first Teams meeting of Police and any participating Parish Councils

Cllr Brookes - Couple of matters to report.
Now the new 30mph speed limit signs have been installed and come into force on Boston Road an anomaly has become apparent. 
There is now a small one hundred metre section of West End Road from the junction of London Road heading towards Bannister Lane which is 40 mph before joining up with an existing 30mph. This is not in keeping with the County Councils speed limit policy as speed limits must be at least 300metres in length for enforcement purposes. The speed limit order is therefore going to be amended and this short section of 40mph will be changed to 30mph. I am informed this will take about 2 months to complete.

The county council is seeking the public's views on electric vehicles and charging points. We know we need to cater for a variety of diverse needs and want to know more about the county’s EV charging needs. The feedback could provide potential locations for suitable EV charging points. 

Cllr Pryke – on the planning application for additional housing to be on the Middlegate Road site, asked the BBC if additional Section 106 monies would be available. Frampton had no monies from the development, answer being ‘no’ there will be no further contributions.

Cllr Middleton advised there are new regulations coming from Government regarding Section 106 monies which will be discussed by Planning Committee at BBC on December 5th.

114-23 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE   To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllr Jarvis, Cllr O’Connor, Borough Cllr Rylott & County Cllr Brookes. All resolved to accept reasons given.


Cllr Astill advised if the minutes are accepted as a true copy, he will be making comments in members reports. Proposed Cllr Astill seconded Cllr Elston that these be accepted as a true copy to become minutes. Unanimous.


Debt of Contractor    Pre - me    They have put traces out
Car Park CCTV    April 2022    Nothing more unless parking signs are reinstated
Notice Board        In situ
Chairman’s Board        Updated with names but a date incorrect. To be returned once sign writer is back from holiday. Clerk reiterated this was her error and not that of the sign writer.
CCTV for village        Wayne at Alarmline putting together quotations, chased again. Received now £1850. New camera in village linked to one in Town Hall. Looking into updating existing CCTV too.
Solar Panels        Met with LEC. Suggested storage batteries were not the best as electricity usage is during the day and although they would top up quickly, many events are held in the evening and would use the battery quickly particularly if cooker being used. May be best to send back to the grid. Will do a comparison. Has asked for electricity bills which Ann is to provide
Orthodox Chapel        Rent increase – to be discussed next meeting
Tree in Hemington Way    September 2023    Reported – delay due to storm damage - sending an officer out now
Litter bins        Spoken with Highways, as going on our lamp posts no problem. Awaiting confirmation that they may provide and one coming from Frampton
Streetlights    No 136,138,230 High Street    Reported to Highways, sending engineer as lights out. 

Cllr Elston asked if grants investigated. Clerk advised application forms received from Community Foundation and YMCA but had not applied to Awards For All for Solar panels until costings received.
Grant available also for roof repairs.

Proposed Cllr P Watson, seconded Cllr Elston to postpone standing orders to allow candidates to present themselves. Cllr Pryke suggested that candidates should not be present when either are questioned, as per other Council guidelines. Candidates agreed they were both happy to stay present. 
Anthony Bowen – application already completed. Have been asked a couple of times if wanting to join Council. Having been asked a third time and noting that things were going in the right direction and working together for the better of the village decided he would like to join the Council.
Jason Stevenson – a member of Wyberton Parish Council I see as a benefit for interacting the Parish Council’s. We need to do this to enable our communities to grow and develop. Questions I have heard from public, “How do I serve both Councils” As said by our late Queen, I will take on this task and serve to the best of my ability as I have done in everything I have done. There may be mistakes, but one learns from them. I understand the running and legal sides of being a Councillor.
Chair asked for questions.
Cllr Pryke. – AB. Q. why did you not stand for elections in May – A. I did not feel I as ready, not having been in the village for long and only just getting to know the people and the Council.
Also commented on Mr Bowens involvement with the Car Park group and comments in Kirton News against the Parish Council. Mr Bowen advised any articles in the Kirton News from him had not been anonymous.
Cllr Pryke – JS. Q.  I have served on two Councils and have been under the impression that if there are ever conflicting issues regarding the two, you either leave the room or take no part in the discussion as has been the case between Kirton and Frampton. Is that your understanding of the principals. A.  Yes
The Noland principals address that too.
No further questions. Candidates and public left the room whilst discussions take place.
In Committee. Discussion was mixed and split. Chair summarising weaknesses of one candidate and beneficial points of the other.
Cllr Astill proposed the ballot be by secret ballot, seconded Cllr Elston. Secret ballot took place with a 5 4 result in favour of Jason Stevenson.
Candidates and public returned to the meeting.
Cllr Stevenson duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Original date from previous meeting for 6th December and two different caterers involved, ended being a last-minute rush to get everything in place. Total costs £846 nett less ticket sales and race night £196 short. Additional costs for wine, orange juice and crackers. 
Black Bull would, had we chosen them, not charged at all, as a gesture to the PC and being for the senior citizens. He also loaned the glasses, free of charge.
Cllr Elston asked why the PC had engaged the more expensive caterer. Cllr Baillie advised Events Group felt the Company was a more well known and better company.
Cllr Astill – when Events Committee gave their updates last meeting the last thing was that Cllr Sohail and he would go to the Town Hall Committee meeting with date of 6th December. Clerk was to ask for quotation from Black Bull and yet 5 days later everything changed. Entertainment, venue, and caterers could not be tied together with caterers. It appears that what Council agreed was not adhered to. Lesson to be learned. Cllr Astill once again for the third time this year, protocol had not been followed, everything comes and goes through the clerk. Proposed Cllr Crisford seconded Cllr Baillie to the £196 payment.

Cllr Sohail suggested that a message should be put out to the public, with a resume of the years’ events. All in agreement. Chair requested Clerk and Cllr Sohail to put a few words together. This could be sent to all Councillors for approval/amendment. 
Cllr Astill advised that the Town Hall Committee had suggested 13th December for meeting with Parish Council. Cllr Astill asked could an Extra Ordinary Meeting be called for that same date, as missing December meeting leaves it an exceptionally long time between meetings. All agreed meeting with Town Hall Committee to start 6.30 followed by Council at 7 p.m.

On clearing out the bier shed four cast iron seat endings had been found. The ‘Man Shed’ had renovated these and purchased wood to make good. Clerk suggested these be placed at the war memorial and the existing one there placed elsewhere. Clerk passed photographs of war memorial. 
Cllr Crisford asked if foliage could be removed from war memorial as it is overgrown. Clerk advised that the Royal British Legion did not want it removing but keeping trimmed. 
Also advised businesses were prepared to take on keeping war memorial clear. Cllr Astill advised that they are special species in the war memorial, which would be a shame to remove.
Cllr S Watson suggested Town Hall field.
Clerk to check O.K. with Highways. Cllr Elston suggested speaking with the Clean Up Squad as they initiated the works. All agreed.

Cllr Pryke commented on various amounts of money available from BBC. It is difficult to ascertain the amounts. There is UK Shared Prosperity Funds, (levelling up money) been offered back to rural areas. Varying different Council is have already taken advantage of £340k.
Kirton is getting £236298 split between Parish Church and money to do up the High Street. That is to be administered by Heritage Lincolnshire, who has already meet with Faye from Church. Cllr Pryke has been advised to get local together to advise what they would be interested in getting money for. Two or three Parish Councillors to join with members of the Community to put together ideas for this money. Cllr S Watson advised she would like to be on this group, as did Cllr Elston, Cllr Pryke volunteered himself. Cllr Stevenson also suggested to join and agreed. Can social media be used to get volunteers for this.

Postponed to the Extra Ordinary Meeting.

124-23 FINANCE
To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule.
Cllr P Watson questioned cost of winter planting.
Cllr Elston advised that Thistel’s at Sutterton would be interest in quoting for this task next year. This would not offend cheers.
Proposed Cllr S Watson, seconded Cllr Pryke. Unanimous
Precept meeting proposed for pre-January meeting.

125-23 PLANNING – To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting
B/22/0425 London Road, to reduce dwellings from 139 to 124.
B/23/0393 – Woodlands Court change of use from nursing care to educational use. No inclination as to adult or junior educational. Confusing as still is part of nursing home. Mechanical machinery on site, but only for the gardens. Clerk to request further information.
B/23/0326 Proposed dwelling rear of 51 London Road, not like existing building, so is likely to be refused.

PW – Clerk mentioned tree on High Street, at war memorial, condemned.  Is it to be removed?
CA – Parking issue at Orthodox Chapel still working. Can letter go from Clerk to thank them for their co-operation in solving the parking situation. Toilet cannot be moved as vehicle to collect would not get further onto the driveway. 
Surgery issue of parking of a lorry on Dennis Estate, but outside a private residence. Has visited resident and advised of complaints. Lorry is now left facing the opposite direction solving the issue.
Bungley Lane - Has now been surface dressed all the way through. 
Fly tipping on Frampton Marsh, dealt with by Cllr Pryke.
FB – a tree in Churchyard hit by lighting. One brough already removed but trunk has now split. Cllr Baillie requesting permission from Lincoln. It would be the PC’s decision whether tree should be felled, or crown reduced.

JB – Outer Dowsing – Cllr Barton has attended all the meetings. Kirton section has remained the same as original plans. Well out of date of up and running 2025 which is now looking like 2030.
Sewage – in King Street, flooding properties. Problem every three/four year. Pump in Willington Road was not functioning properly. Since found our none of pumps can cope in heavy rainfall. Not sure what can be done.
ME – Received complaints from residents regarding the personal signature on the remembrance wreath as opposed to Kirton Parish Council. Chair apologised, only doing as advised last year by Clerk. Also, music after the parade was not appropriate. Parade should walk to Church in silenced. Cllr Crisford apologised as not aware music not played.
RP – Outer Dowsing project. Attended display at Fosdyke. Booklet and response form. Amendment to routing but not in Kirton area. Permission is hoped for 2024. PG consultation group which can take nominations for members of this group. Cllr Pryke proposes that Cllr Barton be our nominated Councillor, seconded Cllr Elston. Currently Police crime survey being conducted has yet had a poor response.
BBC has budgeted £72775 for Christmas, a four-day event which happened last week. Many questions raised to justify this amount.
Elected Mayor has been agreed now. The three District Councils have agreed and will vote on this. Only seven representatives for the eleven districts will form the committee.
Postal voting forms are now no longer valid.
Two residents asking of the inadequate open spaces within the village. Asked BBC for assistance in this. Request for planter at Kirton End to be removed, always overgrown. Residents from Church Lane can flowers be planted in Dame Sarah Swift Park as it is boring. To investigate when discussing planting next year.
Polling District and Parish Wards Review. Circulated details for Councillors to take with them. Road in our District is shared between two polling districts. 

Meeting closed 9.25 p.m.

Date of next meeting 13th December 2023
