May 2019 Minutes
Present: Councillors: D Danby - Chairman
Councillors: C Sharp – Vice Chairman
R Bemrose, I Turner, P Watson (and Borough), S Ransome, S Watson,
M Welton (Borough) and S Blackman (Borough)
Also Present: Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council
Public Forum
No public attended.
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Election of Chairman |
Cllr Turner nominated Cllr Danby, this was seconded by Cllr Sharp and agreed by the remainder.
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Chairman’s acceptance of office |
Cllr Danby accepted the nomination and signed the declaration.
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Appointment of Vice-Chairman |
Cllr Danby nominated Cllr Ransome as Vice-Chairman. Cllr Watson nominated Cllr Sharp. On a vote, Cllr Sharp had the majority and took up the role as Vice-chairman.
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Appointment of representatives to committees |
The representatives were finalised. Clerk will issue amended list at the next meeting.
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Chairman’s comments |
The Chairman thanked all those for volunteering as Councillors for the next 4 years.
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Apologies for absence and reason given |
Cllr Brotherton sent his apologies and reason for absence which was accepted by the Council.
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Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests. |
Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman. She is also a parent governor at the Primary School. Cllr Ransome also declared that she is a governor at the Primary School. Cllr Sharp is a trustee for Kirton Youth Challenge.
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Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting |
It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 18th April 2019, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.
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Police Matters |
No Police attended. Cllr Turner has not had any contact from the Police since the last meeting.
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Viewpoints on questions from members of the public |
No members of the public attended.
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Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors |
Cllr Austin reported that she has now reported the crossing on Station Road as having faulty lights on their columns in the hope that that will solve the lighting issue on the crossing. Cllr Watson had been in touch with Cllr Austin about the 30 mph and the playground sign on Skeldyke Road being moved as they are conflicting. Cllr Austin was asked to contact Parking Enforcement to a ask for visits on Sundays to get the problem with parking outside the cemetery/chapel tackled. Cllr Austin informed members that a date has yet to be fixed for the Horseshoe Lane footpath to be done. A letter had been received from a resident who asked why grit bins were not fitted with lids that could click shut so that they didn’t blow open in the wind. Cllr Welton informed members that the names of the roads for the former Exotic site have been proposed by the developers but the endings had not. Members liked Walk and Gardens as the suffix to the names. Cllr Brookes informed members that the white lines were up for repainting on the A52, Clerk informed members that they had been completed the day before. Cllr Brookes also informed members that the ground in front of 9 and 11 Willington Road is being investigated with a view to reinstating the footpath (will make it wider). Cllr Austin left.
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Accounts for payment/Finance |
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Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report |
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Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on |
(Cllrs Welton and Blackman left) |
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Town Hall |
No meeting held as it is due next week.
Cllr Danby proposed that a way to end random signs on the railings within the village would be to have a similar framework to that at the Church which could be used for banner advertising. His proposal would be that although the Parish Council would take priority, other organisations could use the framework for banners (which would need to be a specific size). This would tidy up the advertising. It was resolved to pursue this suggestion. Cllr Danby said he would get some prices for the framework to be erected.
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Cemetery |
It was observed that the grass contractors are not strimming the underside area of the hedges when they cut the grass. It was resolved that the Clerk should ask the contractors to ensure that this is done to keep the weeds down. Cllr Sharp informed members that the bench in the middle of the cemetery which has a plaque on it for the Silver Jubilee is in need of some work. It was resolved to increase cemetery fees by 2% for residents and 5% for non-residents with effect from the 1st June 2019.
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Parish matters |
None held
Cllr Danby has replaced the two large signs in the park.The others have been cleaned. Moles have been reported to the pest control man. Clerk to contact former councillor Smith and ask for a date that the
It was resolved to ask the Borough and County Councillors their preference to get a majority decision – as they had all left the meeting, Clerk to email all and collate responses for next meeting to enable the council to make a decision
The issue of the CCTV at the Town Hall being used to ‘Police’ the area for dog fouling etc was discussed.Clerk has only this afternoon received the guidance documents from the Borough and as such has not had time to read through it all.Item to be carried forward to next meeting.
It was discussed that there is a lack of communication from/to Kirton Holme/End and as such members resolved to use the noticeboard at the Church more.
Members were given a printed instruction sheet of the correct way to co-opt new members onto the council.
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Reports for Various Bodies |
Cllr Ransome is now a governor for the Primary School and as such attended a recent school meeting. The school have plans to build a dome which has many uses planned for it.
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Planning applications: |
B/19/0146 – Residential development consisting 68 dwellings, including associated roads, garaging and drainage infrastructure at Land Off London Road, Kirton
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Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting |
Date & Time of the next Meeting will be held on Thursday 27th June 2019 (Upsall Room, Kirton Town Hall) beginning at 7pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance, and declared the meeting closed at 8.45 pm. |