February 2019 Minutes


Present:               Councillors:         D Danby Chairman

                                Councillors:         S Ransome – Vice Chairman

R Bemrose, I Turner, M Hannay, C Brotherton, R Foster, C Rylott and C Sharp and A Austin (County) M Brookes (County)

Also Present:     Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council


Public Forum

No public attended.



Chairman’s comments

The chairman informed members that following on from the recent training given for Community Speedwatch, it was not going to be long before the scheme was up and running in the village. 



Apologies for absence and reason given

Cllr P Watson and D Smith, sent their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the Council.



Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests.

Cllr Bemrose declared a personal interest in Town Hall on the agenda as her mother is Chairman.

Cllr Rylott declared an interest in Planning as she is on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item.  She is also Vice-Chairman of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.

Cllr Ransome declared an interest in Planning as she is Vice Chairman on the planning committee at the Borough, she will take no part in discussions in this item. Cllr Ransome is also a member of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan committee.



Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved that the notes of the meeting held on the 1th January 2019, previously circulated, should be recorded as the minutes.



Police Matters

No Police attended.  Cllr Turner has written a report on the ‘goings on’ of the resident who has been drinking/living rough in the village.  Cllr Bemrose was not happy that this report was submitted written without her seeing it first as it was supposed to come from the whole of the Parish Council.


Cllr Hannay reported he had taken a photograph of the delivery car parking outside the Kebab shop.  Cllr Turner asked if he would date and sign it and drop into the Police Station.



Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

Nothing to report as no residents attended.



Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors

Cllr Austin was asked to chase up the following reports that have been reported to Highways:

Potholes on the A16 were getting worse ref: 4108129

The Crossing on Station Road still needs painting. The paint is really faded

Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair.  Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out.  Reported to LCC ref 342401

Cllr Austin was also asked to follow up the lack of light on the crossing on Station Road, the ‘Z’ Brites are bright but covered to stop the light going into residents’ houses.  The crossing itself is not lit and considered dangerous in the dark.

Cllr Austin reported that there is no dropped kerb on the Frampton side of Middlegate Road, it is hoped by Highways that they will be able to get the developers to put one in.

Cllr Brookes reported that the potholes on Sykemouth Drove have had a job issued so should be completed imminently.



Accounts for payment/Finance

It was resolved to accept the payments as per payment sheet dated February 2019 11 of 12.



Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report



Action required






Potholes reported on A16 at the roundabout to LCC REF:4108129



















I have been chasing up the training to be offered to those volunteers who wished to be involved with the speed gun training.  I will be getting in touch with the volunteers in the next week to get suitable dates for them to attend training as I now have a trainer available. 

Facebook request for volunteers sent as only 2 of the residents previously stating an interest have confirmed that they want training.  Confirmation needed from members whether to pursue this or not.

Report to Council that now I have 10 names of volunteers across the Parish who wish to take part.  Just waiting for the Community Speed Watch coordinator to come back regarding dates for training

Chased the coordinator again to try and get a training date set.  Not replied to my emails yet.

Training held.  7 volunteers attended. 2 unable to come this time but would like to come onboard in future. 

Equipment ordered to enable the volunteers to begin to carry out Speed Watch










Uneven pavement reported on the pavement on the Frampton side of Horseshoe Lane, in poor state of repair.  Was scheduled to have been done but never carried out.  Reported to LCC ref 342401.

LCC report that they need to investigate this matter further











Contacted Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding the crossing issues on Station Road, I have asked for their help in enforcing the double yellow lines outside the Kebab shop plus have asked about the possibility of having the columns to the ‘z brites’ changed to illuminated ones. 

Road Safety (Accident Investigation) Manager is in talks with Andy Wharf at Highways at the Borough.

He will also ask the parking Enforcement Team to visit the village over the next few months as a priority.





Potholes on Sykemouth Drove reported to LCC ref:343706 – photos which Cllr Smith sent to Cllr Brookes also added to report






Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on

  1. Thank you card received from residents for reinstating of the street light on Skeldyke Road.
  2. Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closure – Kirton End/Frampton – West End Road (Between Ralphs Lane and Bannisters Lane) – 8.04.19 – 16.04.19.
  3. Lincolnshire County Council – Help us communicate better with you on planning matters – comments welcome on www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/mineralsandwaste


Town Hall

Cllr Brotherton had attended the last Town Hall meeting.  Further improvements are planned in the main hall. 

Cllr Sharp was pleased that between him, Cllr Brotherton and Cllr Hannay, all Town Hall Meetings have been attended in the last year. 




Cllr Foster’s trailer was needed elsewhere and so was not available when the wreaths were due to be collected in.  He will collect the excess soil from the Cemetery plus the wreaths when his trailer is available – he asked that the wreaths are collected and put near the bin and he will load the trailer up when he has it.



Parish matters

  1. Reports from committee meetings held since last Council meeting.

None held.However, Cllr Hannay has now passed on the Neighbourhood Planning information to Cllr Watson.

  1. Update on Park Inspections

No new issues

  1. To consider whether to pursue Article 4 direction with the Conservation Area

It was resolved not to pursue Article 4 direction but to continue to try and keep the character within the village when planning applications are considered.

  1. To consider whether to ask LCC to provide signs for Best Kept Village 2018 (cost implication).

It was resolved to purchase 2 signs through LCC plus to have a larger plaque type sign in front of the planned planter on the grass verge coming into Kirton on the A16 from Spalding.

  1. To consider adopting Fair Processing and Privacy Policy (in envelope sent to you), and Privacy and Data Protection Policy (in envelope sent to members).

Both policies were accepted and adopted.

eed Watch


Reports for Various Bodies

Cllr Hannay was not happy that the gates had been left on around the War Memorial.  Members voted to have the brick pillars removed and redone.  It was resolved that Cllr Foster would remove them and store them until this is done.

It was also resolved that the repointing at the War Memorial would take a back seat until the pillars are redone.  It was also reported that the gates and railings are starting to flake paint.  It was resolved to address this after the pillars have been done too.


Cllr Ransome reported that the school had approached her with regards to becoming a school governor again.  She was not sure in what capacity this would be (whether as a councillor or as an individual). 


The sign has been reinstated at Kirton Holme.  It was resolved that the Clerk should sent thank you letters to Mr Roger Wellberry for his large part in getting the sign sorted out.  Thanks also go to Keith Wright and Richard Rylott for their help.


Hubberts Bridge have requested a donation from the Council towards a defibrillator which will be at the Wheatsheaf Pub, Hubberts Bridge.  Cllr Turner proposed £150 be donated, this was seconded by Cllr Hannay and agreed by the remainder.


Cllr Turner wished to thank Cllr Rylott for her efforts at the Borough and within the Parish after she announced she would not be standing for re-election in May.


Cllr Foster reported the hedge on Willington Road opposite the old Vicarage is so overgrown into the road it knocked his tractor mirror off. Clerk to report to LCC

Also reported mattress/rubbish in the layby nearby.  Clerk to report to flyswat team


Cllr Turner reported deep wheel ruts just after Graves Park on Skeldyke Road – making the road just disappear from the edge.  Clerk to report to LCC


Planning applications:

Appeal sent to the Planning Inspectorate re – Construction of a 1-bedroom starter home (Class C3) following demolition of a builder’s storage shed at Land rear of 7 Willington Road, Kirton

Also appeal sent regarding single storey passive house with living green walls at Land at the corner of Burnham Lane and Marsh Lane, Skeldyke, Kirton

B/19/0005 – Construction of 4 detached bungalows, three with detached double garages and associate site works at 62 Willington Road, Kirton – seen by Planning Committee on 05.02.19 – NO OBJECTIONS

B/19/0023 – single storey rear extension at Willow Cottage, Holme Road, Kirton Holme – NO OBJECTIONS


Planning Decisions:

B/18/0517 – Outline application with some matters (layout, appearance, landscaping and scale) reserved for later approval for up to three residential detached dwellings and private access road – REFUSE

B/18/0459 – Application under s.73 for the removal of condition 2 (Agricultural Habitation Clause) of planning permission B/04/0547 (construction of agricultural workers house and garage) – GRANT

B/18/0441 – Retrospective application for the change of use of existing log cabin to holiday let accommodation to be used in connection with the dwelling known as Tenacre, at Tenacre, Drainside North, Kirton – GRANT

B/18/0477 – Proposed two storey extension to existing garage at Windy Ridge, Hubberts Bridge Road, Kirton – GRANT

B/18/0490 – Single storey rear extension and new pitched roof over existing rear wing at 48 Station Road, Kirton – GRANT




Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting


Date & Time of the next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 21st March 2019 (Upsall Room, Kirton Town Hall) beginning at 7 pm.  There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance, and declared the meeting closed at 8.35 pm.